Free Online Education Courses
Caring Science,
Mindful Practice
This course provides tools for caring professionals to enhance professional caring practices in everyday work environments. Learners will be introduced to Watson’s Caring Science. Exploration and learning related to key concepts will be supported through the introduction of mindfulness practice, reflective narrative, and contemplative art. Asynchronous discussion, moderated by a team of educators knowledge-able in Caring Science, will provide a forum for ongoing interaction and discovery among participants during each 4-week class session. Certificates of completion will be earned by participants who complete the course learning modules.
Watson’s Caring in the Digital World
Learners will be introduced to Watson’s Caring Theory and how it can be implemented in digital communications with students, colleagues, and others. Exploration and learning related to key concepts will be supported through the introduction of mindfulness practices, reflective narrative, and contemplative art.
· Conveying and Sustaining Caring in Online Classrooms
· Mindful Communication for Caring Online
· Caring Science, Mindful Practice at Work and Beyond